Kick-off meeting of Youngpreneurs

Kick-off meeting of Youngpreneurs Connectus M.IKE participated in the kick-off meeting of the new Erasmus+ project “Youngpreneurs”. The meeting took place online, in the presence of all 4 partners: Impact Hub Stockholm (Lead partner), Exeo Lab, Connectus M.IKE, FIP. The Youngpreneurs project aims to improve the skills of young women between the ages of 20 and 29 needed to start and manage a business or a self-employment or social entrepreneurship activity by focusing on personal branding and digital marketing training, intercultural management and leadership. The first activity of the project will start shortly, namely the research and analysis of needs in which 25 girls per partner country will be interviewed and involved. News will follow soon.

Kick-off meeting of the INAI4SME project in Malta

  𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓳𝓮𝓬𝓽 𝓴𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓸𝓯𝓯 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 The partners of #INAI4SME met in Malta for the kick-off meeting of the project on 11th July. They discussed the results of the desk and field #research carried out in project counties and the training materials. The overall aim of the project is to develop a #Framework that provides a mechanism for both professionals and nonprofessionals to identify digital gaps and other gaps to help VET institutions and companies improve their ability to use and #integrate #AI into #business life. Mentoring supported digital interdisciplinary training programs for SMEs and adapt them to VET, taking into account the advantages of interdisciplinary training and mentoring programs, especially in the field of AI tech. Stay tuned for more! #SMEs #VET_education #AI #training #education

Activism Against Ableism project’s LTTA in Nicosia

  We just came back from the LTTA meeting at Nicosia, Cyprus, of the #Activist_Against_Ableism project!   We had the opportunity to gather up with all the project’s partners and an amazing group of participants from all around Europe, to work all together on the development of a methodology to promote social and political participation of #differently_abled_citizens.   It is inspiring to be part of this International Working Group and see the world from the eyes of these #special young people!   Visit the project’s official pages for more: #inclusion #disabilities #new_perspective #awareness #project #europe  

Kick-off meeting of the EMBRACE project

  🚀 We are proud to share that the #EMBRACE project has officially launched!The project’s kick-off meeting took place last Friday in Vilnius, Lithuania. Partners had the chance to meet in person, discuss the project’s activities and decide on the upcoming steps! 📌 The #EMBRACE project aims to better understand the thoughts, feelings, and impacts of #climate_change on young people aged 16-29 in Lithuania, Italy, and Greece. The project intends to equip youth workers, including educators, social workers, teachers, and others, with the knowledge, skills, tools, and competencies necessary to properly educate and prepare young people to deal with #climate_anxiety.🌍 The project’s ultimate goal is to build a resilient, innovative, and modern youth education system that will enable young people to overcome climate anxiety and become agents for #positive_environmental_change. ✅Stay with us, more updates coming soon! #education #change #climate_anxiety #environment #youth #project #europe  

Discover our new project – INAI4SME!

  🧠The #INAI4SME project aims to develop a framework that provides a mechanism for both professionals and nonprofessionals to identify #digital and other gaps to help #VET_institutions and companies improve their ability to use and integrate #AI into business life. The project will develop and test #e_mentoring supported #digital_interdisciplinary_training_programs for #SMEs and adapt them to #VET, taking into account the advantages of interdisciplinary training and mentoring programs, especially in the field of #AI_tech. #CONNECTUS throughout the whole cycle life of the project will carry out activities on the needs of the target audience on #artificial_intelligence. Under #WP2_A5#Connectus will be the leader of the evaluation. Each partner will implement survey in their respective countries and the assessment as well as the evaluation will be reviewed by #Connectus. Stay tuned for more info 📨 #CONNECTUS#INAI4SME#VET_institutions#e_mentoring#artificial_intelligence#digital_interdisciplinary_training_programs

CollaboratiVET: First online kick-off meeting

  🎉 1st kick-off meeting for CONNECTUS The #CollaboratiVET consortium met this week in Belgium, to officially kick off the project. CollaboratiVET aims to integrate the #flipped approach to #VET institutions enhancing VET teachers’ #skills and competences to be corresponded to the 21st century skills alongside with the stimulating activities in the era of collaboration so as to maximize the capacity of each VET student capacity. The consortium will work to achieve the following results:📌 Development of a framework for the establishment of collaboration practice through the use of Flipped Approach in VET📌Development of training curriculum for the design and delivery of a Flipped Approach collaborative learning environment📌Delivery of a Toolbox with 20 collaborative activities Stay tuned!

Activism Against Ableism kick-off meeting in València

🎉 We are excited to announce the official #Kick_off meeting for the project #ActivsmAgainstAbleism in Valencia! #CONNECTUS is leading WP4 “Activism Against Ableism” for #youth#workers, which aims to create resources for the dissemination of the methodology developed in the previous WP among youth workers that work with differently abled young citizens and train them through an LTTA. 👫 Together with our partner organizations, we established plans and strategies for the project. 👉 The project aims to foster #social_awareness on #disability and #ableism by supporting Young European citizens with disability to become socially and politically active, promoting their #participation_and_activism regarding disability policies and challenging social, cultural and employment policies that favor ableism – the #discrimination_and_social_prejudice against people with disabilities that favors able bodied people. #KickOff#ActivsmAgainstAbleism#CONNECTUS#social_awareness#disability#ableism#participation_and_activism#discrimination_and_social_prejudice

GREEN-UP project’s kick-off meeting

  We had the kick-off meeting of project #GreenUp. #Connectus is leading WP3 “Development of “GREEN-UP” e-platform”, in order to create supportive, responsive, and collaborative digital working environment. #GREENUP project will enable the green entrepreneurial skill development of youth by implementing novel learning methodologies to the curriculum. The project will focus on three elements: Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education, environment and climate change, employability. Stay tuned for more! Verslumo institutas – Lithuania PROJECTS FOR EUROPE PFE – Belgium Exeo Lab Srl – Italy Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja, Maribor – Slovenia Connectus M.IKE – Greece #entrepreneurship #education #envirorment #erasmusplus #Connectus