Hike Wise

Hike Wise BEYOND HIKING – “Hiking for a Greener Future: Training Educators for Environmental Awareness and Active Lifestyles” Project Name: BEYOND HIKING – “Hiking for a Greener Future: Training Educators for Environmental Awareness and Active Lifestyles” Programme: Erasmus+Priority: KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education (KA220-SCH)Project ID: KA220-SCH-AA6CEA7D Website: Coming soon Social media: Coming soon Duration: 30 monthsTopics: – New learning and teaching methods and approaches – Environment and climate change – Development of training courses Project Description HIKEWISE aims to equip current and future PE teachers with the skills to integrate outdoor activities like hiking into secondary education. This initiative addresses gaps in teacher training and the growing disconnection between students and nature. Hiking promotes physical health, environmental appreciation, and socialisation, aligning with EU priorities like the Green Deal and biodiversity strategies. Partner institutions are motivated to enhance curricula, train educators, and promote sustainable, active lifestyles. Funding this project supports EU goals of fostering environmental awareness, healthier lifestyles, and improved education. Project Consortium Project Coordinator:Fundacion universidad francisco de vitoria – Spain Partners Asociatia grupul de actiune localanapoca porolissum- Romania Connectus – Greece Mugla il milli egitim mudurlugu- Türkiye Rhizo1- Belgium Project Results WP1 – Project ManagementWP2 – Manual productionWP3 – Creation of didactic units and educators trainingWP4 – Pilot projectsWP5 – Communication, dissemination and events Our role CONNECTUS, as the digital lead for WP5 (and the whole project), will manage the project’s online presence, including creating the website and uploading the materials and the blog posts, designing and publishing the materials (manual, infographics, didactic unit, …), editing the videos, and using and publishing in Erasmus+ platforms. Its extensive experience in digital communication will ensure effective dissemination and visibility of HIKEWISE’s outputs. Impact The overall objective of HIKEWISE is to to improve the skills of current and future secondary PE teachers in the planning and delivery of outdoor sporting activities such as hiking. The aim is to promote greater awareness of both environmental issues and an active and healthy lifestyle among secondary school students. The manner in which the accomplishment of the individual objectives will determine the overall objective’s scope is explained in detail following. Please refer to the quantitative and qualitative indicators listed in each work package description for further information. These indicators will be the primary tools used to determine whether the project’s objectives have been met.


INFORMED Project Name: INFORMED Programme: Erasmus+ Priority: KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education Project ID: 2022-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000101471 Website: Coming soon Social media: Facebook page l LinkedIn page Duration: 01/02/2023 to 01/02/2025 Topics: Soft skills, Creating new, innovative or joint curricula and courses, Initial and continuous training for teachers, trainers and other education staff. Project Description The INFORMED project is aiming to increase both soft and digital competences of adult students, so they can be digitally competent on how the digital media and algorithms work today, to be sceptical of what they read and watch and strengthen cooperation between key stakeholders to proactively address disinformation. Project Consortium Project Coordinator iserundschmidt GmbH – Germany Partners Connectus M.IKE – Greece Future in perspective limited – Ireland Project Results Activity 1 Project Management and Coordination Activity 2 Workshop Preparation Activity 3 Workshop Implementation, Evaluation and Outputs Activity 4 Community Building Our role CONNECTUS will be responsible for the training implementation and evaluation and will be the one to coordinate the creation of the project outputs. As an experienced training institute for live and online-live trainings Connectus will be the one to implement the workshops and to allocate minor tasks to the partner organizations. Impact The INFORMED project will create material with a universal character, addressing needs of staff in adult education regardless of the specific focus points. The main goal, is to create multiplicators in the participating or non-participating organizations that will transfer their knowledge, share the booklets and guides with colleagues and will be open for discussion and mutual growth. The organizations aim to equip their staff with skills adequate for the digital age and to upskill staff that seem to face difficulty integrating into the digital, new work conditions.


EMBRACE Project Name: EMBRACE Programme: Erasmus+Priority: KA210-YOU – Small-scale partnerships in youthProject ID: 2022-3-LT02-KA210-YOU-000094023Website: https://www.embrace-climate.eu/Social media: Facebook page l LinkedIn pageDuration: 01/02/2023 – 01/06/2024 Topics: Green skills, New learning and teaching methods and approaches, Physical and mental health, Well-being. Project Description The EMBRACE project aims to better understand the feelings, thoughts, and impacts associated with climate change among young people (aged 16-29) in Lithuania, Italy, and Greece and to equip youth workers (educators, social workers, teachers, and others) with the necessary knowledge, skills, tools, and competencies to properly educate and prepare young people to tackle climate anxiety. Project Consortium Project CoordinatorART+INN – Lithuania Partners Connectus M.IKE – Greece CULTUM – Italy Project Results Activity 1 Project management and coordination Activity 2 ‘EMBRACE’ analysis of youth’s emotions in relation to climate change Activity 3 ‘EMBRACE’ digital map of EU and local climate action measures and best practices Activity 4 ‘EMBRACE’ microteaching modules for youth workers Our role CONNECTUS, will merge all the information into one final international state-of-art report, which will be translated into all partner languages under activity 1. Connectus will also contribute to develop a centralised digital map of EU and national climate action tools and best practices in Lithuania, Italy and Greece as well as to the development of the 45 microteaching modules based on joint analysis, implementation of training activities for youth workers and the final conference. Impact 300 young people (aged from 16 to 29) will be surveyed in partner countries to develop state-of-the-art report, ‘EMBRACE’ digital map will be created, consisting of at least 45 strategies, initiatives, and best practices from EU and partners countries, 45 microteaching modules for youth workers will be developed, 30 youth workers from partner countries will take part in national training events, 45 youth workers outside the partnership, will take part in the final online conference.


INAI4SME Interdisciplinary AI training and real-world applications for SMEs Project Name: INAI4SME – Interdisciplinary AI training and real-world applications for SMEsProgramme: Erasmus+Priority: KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and trainingProject ID: 2022-1-MT01-KA220-VET-000085060 Website: https://www.inai4sme.eu/elementor-174/Social media: Facebook page l LinkedIn pageDuration: 01/11/2022 to 31/10/2024Topics: Contributing to innovation in vocational education and training, Adapting vocational education and training to labour market needs, Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity. Project Description The overall aim of the project is to develop a Framework that provides a mechanism for both professionals and nonprofessionals, to identify digital gaps and other gaps, to help VET institutions and companies improve their ability to use and integrate AI into business life. The project will develop and test e-mentoring supported digital interdisciplinary training programs for SMEs and adapt them to VET, taking into account the advantages of interdisciplinary training and mentoring programs, especially in the field of AI tech. Project Consortium Project CoordinatorMaltese Italian Chamber of Commerce – Malta Partners Exeo Lab Srl – Italy Innomate Ldt. – Turkey ECOSISTEMAS VIRTUALES Y MODULARES SL – Spain Connectus M.IKE – Greece CEPROF – CENTROS ESCOLARES DE ENSINO PROFISSIONAL LDA – Portugal Project Results WP1 Project Management WP2 AI Framework for SMEs WP3 AI Training Modules (LMS) WP4 Open online course platform (OOC) WP5 Meetings and Events Our role Connectus throughout the whole cycle life of the project will carry out activities on the needs of the target audience on artificial intelligence. Under WP2 Connectus will be Work package n°4 – Meetings and Events the leader of the evaluation. Each partner will implement survey in their respective countries and the assessment as well as the evaluation will be reviewed by Connectus. Impact INAI4SME will support the technology diffusion, apply research and innovative teaching-learning practices in SMEs, will make vocational training more relevant to the current and future needs of the economy and society, will update and upgrade the VET curriculum for SMEs based on skills intelligence, train staff with the skills needed by the labour market and adapted to the green and digital transitions adhering to changing skills needs and finally will address the differences in access and use of underrepresented groups and promote gender equality, a digital framework will be developed for educators and learners, and an innovative digital educational content will be created.

GREEN-UP project’s kick-off meeting

  We had the kick-off meeting of project #GreenUp. #Connectus is leading WP3 “Development of “GREEN-UP” e-platform”, in order to create supportive, responsive, and collaborative digital working environment. #GREENUP project will enable the green entrepreneurial skill development of youth by implementing novel learning methodologies to the curriculum. The project will focus on three elements: Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education, environment and climate change, employability. Stay tuned for more! Verslumo institutas – Lithuania PROJECTS FOR EUROPE PFE – Belgium Exeo Lab Srl – Italy Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja, Maribor – Slovenia Connectus M.IKE – Greece #entrepreneurship #education #envirorment #erasmusplus #Connectus  


CollaboratiVET Creating a collaborative environment in VET Project Name: CollaboratiVET: Creating a collaborative environment in VET Programme: Erasmus+Priority: KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and trainingProject ID: 2022-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000089169Website: https://collaborativet.eu/Social media: Facebook page l LinkedIn pageDuration: 01/09/2022 to 31/08/2024 Topics: Contributing to innovation in vocational education and training, Increasing attractiveness of VET, Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity. Project Description CollaboratiVET aims to integrate the flipped approach to VET institutions enhancing VET teachers’ skills and competences to be corresponded to the 21st century skills alongside with the stimulating activities in the era of collaboration so as to maximize the capacity of each VET student capacity. Through this new cross-fertilized knowledge, the attractiveness of VET is going to be increased and the number of dropouts will be decreased. Project Consortium Project CoordinatoriEUROPAISCHER VERBAND BERUFLICHER BILDUNGSTRAGE R (EVBB) – Germany Partners AKMI ANONIMI EKPAIDEFTIKI ETAIRIA – Greece European E-learning Institute – Denmark BK Consult GmbH – Germany Connectus M.IKE – Greece MOMENTUM MARKETING SERVICES LIMITED – Ireland INDEPCIE SCA – Spain Project Results WP1 Project Management WP2 Development of a framework for the establisment of collaboration practice through the use of Flipped Approach in VET WP3 Development of training curriculum for the design and delivery of a Flipped Approach collaborative learning environment WP4 Delivery of a Toolbox with 20 collaborative activities WP5 Dissemination and Exploitation Activities Our role Connectus will design the layout of the library of the Collaborative Toolkit as well as a set of 20 collaborative activities acting as a companion to the Collaborative Toolbox Library under WP4 so as to support with hands-on materials for an effective collaborative environment even in online-hybrid-physical setting allowing a deployment of innovative educational methods in order to promote ways of creating an environment of team work and strengthening the opportunities of collaboration between students while teaching and keep them engaged with activities and concepts that they have never tried before. Impact Digital technology is closely linked to innovation and CollaboratiVET will make the most of technological advances by identifying the needed skills for establish Flipped Approach in VET, educating on how to implement the Flipped Approach in their own classrooms, providing VET educators with the latest technology collaborative tools and raising awareness and fostering the European VET institutions with a new learning method, characterised by a student-centred approach and active learning. CollaboratiVET will empower educators to rethink their use of technology in the light of new pedagogical approaches, and to become more skilled in the selection and use of digital tools to favour student inclusion and effective learning.

Activism Against Ableism

Activism Against Ableism Fostering political participation and activism of differently abled young citizens Project Name: Fostering political participation and activism of differently abled young citizens Programme: Erasmus+Priority: KA220-YOU – Cooperation partnerships in youthProject ID: 2022-1-DE04-KA220-YOU-000087327Website: https://aaa-eu.euSocial media: Facebook page l Instagram l TwitterDuration: 01/09/2022 to 31/08/2024 Topics: Promoting active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative and youth entrepreneurship including social entrepreneurship. Project Description Activism Against Ableism aims to foster social awareness on ableism and the challenges it creates for differently abled people preventing discrimination and fostering inclusion, empower Young European citizens with disability to become socially/politically active, promote their advocacy activism regarding disability policies through collaborative/participatory strategies, train youth workers on these strategies, develop networks to foster awareness and inclusive intervention and influence policymaking in the area. Project Consortium Project Coordinatoriserundschmidt GmbH – Germany Partners Rightchallenge – Associação – Portugal FUTURE IN PERSPECTIVE LIMITED – Ireland Exeo Lab Srl – Italy SYNTHESIS CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION LIMITED – Cyprus Connectus M.IKE – Greece AYUNTAMIENTO DE QUART DE POBLET – Spain Project Results WP1 Project Management WP2 Establishment of a European network and National ecosystems WP3 Methodology to promote the political participation of differently abled young citizens WP4 Activism Against Ableism” for youth workers WP5 Promoting “Activism Against Ableism”   Our role CONNECTUS will be responsible for the development of the quality assurance plan which will map out strategies to monitor and assess the quality of project activities and results, ensuring they respond to participants’ needs and so promoting the project’s impact potential under WP1. Connectus has expertise in curricula development for vulnerable populations, digital education tools and project management and so will be the leader of WP4 – Activism Against Ableism for youth workers and will work on creating the Handbook. Impact Activism Against Ableism will foster social awareness on disability and ableism by supporting Young European citizens with disability to become socially and politically active, promoting their participation and activism regarding disability policies and challenging social, cultural and employment policies that favour ableism – the discrimination and social prejudice against people with disabilities that favours able bodied people. It also aims to prevent discrimination and to promote the empowerment, civic engagement and political participation of youth, focusing on differently abled young people to contribute to policymaking in this area.


Green-Up Green Deal and CE related upskilling entrepreneurship training based on flipped and peer-to-peer learning methodology for youth and youth workers Project Name: Green Deal and CE related upskilling entrepreneurship training based on flipped and peer-to-peer learning methodology for youth and youth workersProgramme: Erasmus+Priority: KA220-YOU – Cooperation partnerships in youthProject ID: 2022-1-LT02-KA220-YOU-000086646 Website: https://green-up-project.eu/Social media: Facebook page l InstagramDuration: 01/12/2022 to 30/11/2024Topics: Promoting active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative and youth entrepreneurship including social entrepreneurship, Environment and fight against climate change, Strengthening the employability of young people. Project Description GREEN-UP project covers the priority of promoting entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship among young people by creating outcomes which educate young people about the mechanics and possibilities of green entrepreneurship as a career choice. A young person with entrepreneurial skills has better employability skill and an advantage to the workforce, the community and the country’s economy. Thus, “GREEN-UP”project also covers the priority of strengthening the employability of young people. Finally, it addresses the priority of environment and fight against climate change by empowering young people to understand and fight global environmental issues. Project Consortium Project CoordinatorENTRI – Lithuania Partners Connectus M.IKE – Greece PROJECTS FOR EUROPE PFE – Belgium Exeo Lab Srl – Italy Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja, Maribor – Slovenia Project Results WP1 Project Management WP2 Analysis of youth competences and green business eco-systems WP3 Development of “GREEN-UP” e-platform WP4 Creation of digital micro-training modules boosting entrepreneurship in a framework of CE and Green Deal Our role CONNECTUS due to its experience with non-formal learning platforms will lead WP3 by developing the “GREEN-UP” e-platform, in order to create supportive, responsive, and collaborative digital working environment and ensure a coherent peer-to-peer learning with support of youth workers. “GREEN UP” platform is essential as it will be a primary tool for building transnational links between young people, as well as a communication tool with youth workers from all partner countries and it will also host all the results produced by the project. Impact The GREEN-UP project will change the way young people participate in the debate on climate and climate change environment, raising their awareness and their energy. Through the facilitation and active participation of every YOUTH member can make their voice heard and be represented, also having the opportunity to understand more about the EU Green Deal strategy and the various actions that Europe will implement to build a better future society. The implementation of the flipped-learning – peer to pear e-learning platform will thus encourage transnational comparison between young people communities. At local/regional level the project will have an impact through empowering young people and taking action to achieve objectives of the Green Deal by encouraging them to express their opinion to decision-makers by participating in debates and discussions, increasing general understanding of the EU Green Deal by encouraging critical thinking, information analysis, expression and the development of a better understanding of the EU Green Deal opinions, negotiation and conflict resolution skills, enhancing general participation in the life of the community.