Project Name: INFORMED
Programme: Erasmus+
Priority: KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project ID: 2022-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000101471
Website: Coming soon
Social media: Facebook page l LinkedIn page
Duration: 01/02/2023 to 01/02/2025
Topics: Soft skills, Creating new, innovative or joint curricula and courses, Initial and continuous training for teachers, trainers and other education staff.

Project Description
The INFORMED project is aiming to increase both soft and digital competences of adult students, so they can be digitally competent on how the digital media and algorithms work today, to be sceptical of what they read and watch and strengthen cooperation between key stakeholders to proactively address disinformation.
Project Consortium
Project Coordinator
iserundschmidt GmbH – Germany
- Connectus M.IKE – Greece
- Future in perspective limited – Ireland
Project Results
Activity 1 Project Management and Coordination
Activity 2 Workshop Preparation
Activity 3 Workshop Implementation, Evaluation and Outputs
Activity 4 Community Building
Our role
CONNECTUS will be responsible for the training implementation and evaluation and will be the one to coordinate the creation of the project outputs. As an experienced training institute for live and online-live trainings Connectus will be the one to implement the workshops and to allocate minor tasks to the partner organizations.
The INFORMED project will create material with a universal character, addressing needs of staff in adult education regardless of the specific focus points. The main goal, is to create multiplicators in the participating or non-participating organizations that will transfer their knowledge, share the booklets and guides with colleagues and will be open for discussion and mutual growth. The organizations aim to equip their staff with skills adequate for the digital age and to upskill staff that seem to face difficulty integrating into the digital, new work conditions.