Join the Green Revolution with GREEN-UP!

Join the Green Revolution with GREEN-UP! Connectus is a proud partner of the GREEN-UP project, an initiative dedicated to empowering young leaders in mastering the Green Deal and Circular Economy. The future is green, and it starts with you! The GREEN-UP E-Platform offers 120 micro-training modules designed to help young leaders shape a sustainable world. Learn at your own pace, connect with like-minded peers, and gain the skills needed to thrive in green entrepreneurship. Whether you’re just starting or looking to expand your knowledge, GREEN-UP has something for everyone. Kickstart your green journey today and be part of the change! Visit the project’s website: GREEN-UP

INAI4SME Module 5: Libraries for Python!

INAI4SME Module 5: Libraries for Python The latest module of the INAI4SME series, “Libraries for Python,” delves into the power of Python as the cornerstone of data science and machine learning. Discover why Python is the go-to choice for data scientists globally and how it enhances machine learning capabilities. From its simplicity and readability to its powerful libraries, Python offers an unparalleled platform for innovation in data science. This module highlights essential libraries that every data scientist should know, providing insights into their applications and benefits. Watch the video here to learn more about how Python is driving advancements in AI and technology.

Innovate Greece: Revitalizing the Start-Up Ecosystem

Innovate Greece: Revitalizing the Start-Up Ecosystem   Discover Innovate Greece, a dynamic youth-driven initiative dedicated to rejuvenating Greece’s start-up ecosystem. This inspiring project connects young entrepreneurs, especially women, with resources, mentorship, and a supportive community, fostering innovation and growth.!

Discover more about the YOUNGPRENEURS project!

Discover more about the YOUNGPRENEURS project! Connectus is a proud partner of the Youngpreneurs project, which aims to empower young women by enhancing their entrepreneurial skills and integrating them into the labor market. The project focuses on personal branding, digital marketing, intercultural management, and leadership. By addressing gender inequities and providing support, it seeks to create a more inclusive entrepreneurial landscape where young women can thrive. In this project, Connectus is responsible for the core implementation, which involves upskilling young women (WP3) based on needs identified by WP2. This will be achieved using the most innovative techniques for curriculum development. Additionally, Connectus shares responsibility for the IT sections of the project, drawing on its extensive experience in developing OERs, platforms, and e-portfolios. Check out the Youngpreneurs project video to learn more about it here!

Elevate Your Skills with INAI4SME


Our project, INAI4SME (Interdisciplinary AI Training and Real-World Applications for SMEs), is designed to provide vocational education and training (VET) professionals and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with cutting-edge AI training modules. These modules are crafted to enhance competencies and foster innovation, driving the digital transformation of both VET and SMEs.


#GREEN_SKILLS Professions for sustainability and ecological transition Project Name: #GREEN_SKILLS – Professions for sustainability and ecological transitionProgramme: Erasmus+Priority: KA210-SCH – Small-scale partnerships in school educationProject ID: 2023-2-IT02-KA210-SCH-000175456 Website: Coming soonSocial media: Coming soonDuration: 24 monthsTopics: – Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education based on green skills knowledge.– Foster awareness, critical thinking and commitment of young generations to sustainability.– Support the inclusion of target groups in disadvantaged/fragile situations, through training in ecological transition professions. Project Description #GREEN_SKILLS aims to achieve several overarching goals. Firstly, it seeks to educate students about the objectives outlined in the 2030 Agenda, emphasizing the importance of global sustainability. Additionally, it aims to advocate for the integration of ‘green’ education into vocational training, preparing students for environmentally conscious careers. Moreover, the project strives to cultivate a sense of awareness, critical thinking, and dedication to sustainability among younger generations. It particularly focuses on reaching out to disadvantaged or vulnerable groups, providing them with training opportunities in fields related to ecological transition. Furthermore, #GREEN_SKILLS has specific objectives tailored to enhancing professional training in the ‘green’ sector. This involves implementing structured courses such as sustainability and circular economy analysis, as well as environmental management. By doing so, it aims to equip students with the necessary skills to thrive in sustainability-focused professions. Another key aspect of our project is ambition to share and replicate successful outcomes on a broader scale, particularly at the European level. It also endeavors to introduce students to emerging concepts like the circular economy and bioeconomy, broadening their understanding of potential career paths in these areas. Ultimately, #GREEN_SKILLS aims to bridge the gap between traditional education and the evolving needs of the workforce, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the professions of the future. Project Consortium Project Coordinator:Liceo “G. Bianchi Dotula” – Italy Partners INNETICA – Spain Connectus – Greece E-Expert GmbH – Austria Agrupamento de Escolas Póvoa de Santa Iria – Portugal Ekonomska sola Novo mesto – Slovenia Vetrunge” gymnasium Klaipeda – Lithuania Project Results WP1 – European networking synergies and monitoring of the project phase WP2 – Research for change: comparison between different European realities on green skills between school and the world of work. WP3 – Innovative green skills training processes: circular economy and sustainability analyst. WP4 – Changing your lifestyle: being an environmental manager. WP5 – Enhance and make training experiences transferable: involve communities. Our role CONNECTUS will be the leader of WP4 and collaborate with the rest of the work packages. Impact The #GREEN_SKILLS project has the potential to foster a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future by empowering young people, building a skilled workforce, promoting social inclusion, and inspiring collective action on a global scale.