Mothers looking ahead!
Project Name: Mothers looking ahead!
Programme: Erasmus+
Priority: ADU: Creating upskilling pathways, improving accessibility and increasing take-up of adult education.
ADU: Improving the competences of educators and other adult education staff.
HORIZONTAL: Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport.
Project ID: 2022-2-SK01-KA220-ADU-000100115
Social media: LinkedIn – Facebook
Duration: 01/02/2023-01/02/2025
Topics: Creating upskilling pathways, improving accessibility and increasing take-up of adult education, Improving the competences of educators and other adult education staff , Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport.

Project Description
The problem of mothers dropping out of education and facing difficulties in going back to education or training or entering the labour market with low qualifications is still a larger scale problem in Europe. The evidence suggests that being a mother usually means less education and lower future family income. International Labour Organisation statistics show a trend that basic and intermediate levels of education for women are associated with lower and declining employment over time. The high rates of unemployed mothers in Europe as well as the drops outs from education inspired us to create the Mothers Looking Ahead project which aims to create support measures for mothers who are not in education or training (also mothers who come from marginalised communities whether they be ethnic minorities, migrant communities or in many instances the general wider community) for them to get back to education and training and improve their chances in (re)entering the labour market and education in the new norma that Covid-19 has created with the distance learning and working. Mothers Looking Ahead will support educational and professional inclusion of mothers, by pursuing (raising their motivation) to rethink to re-entrer education or training in the new era of trainings provided in Europe by providing them support services (including career orientation, empowerment, motivation, soft skills, basic digital skills, job preparation training) to continue and finish the education or training and find a job.
Project Consortium
Project Coordinator:
Newport Group, a.s- Slovakia
- The Square Dot team – Belgium
- Connectus – Greece
- Spectrum Research Centre CLG- Ireland
- Rightchallenge Associação – Portugal
Project Results
WP1 – Project Management
WP2 – Development of a framework for the establisment of the motivational programme for supporting the educational and professional inclusion of mothers
WP3 – Development of training curriculum for the design and delivery of the Mothers looking ahead motivational programme
WP4 – Delivery of a series of transnational mentoring forum in project countries
WP5 – Dissemination and Exploitation Activities
Our role
The Mothers looking ahead project will benefit all partners active in educational programms of reskilling/upskilling of their trainers/staff/educators are going to participate both during the identification and the design of the training materials and its testing application combined with the implementation of the transnational mentoring forum enabling to broaden into the developed materials and transfer them to their trainings in their daily work through training their own staff and to investigate potential areas of establishing it. Other groups or organisations that will benefit; Mothers (either mothers who wishing to pursue a career in self-employment/entrepreneurs or find a job or looking into further professional development – with a special focus on mothers with fewer opportunities, living in rural and remote areas, facing socio-economic difficulties or any other potential source of discrimination and those with a migrant background) -Adult trainers/tutors/career coaches Secondary target groups: -Stakeholders and policy makers in the field of women integration into EU education and labor market -Training organisations and trainers in professional development and entrepreneurship (incl.VET, formal and non-formal training providers) -Organisations promoting women employability and entrepreneurship/self-employment (public, private,third sector of economy, including local and regional authorities at governmental level